NPU-S Events:
- Monday, September 14 - Beecher Hills Community Meeting - 7pm, Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/96697956397, Meeting ID: 966 9795 6397. Dial-In: 646-558-8656, access code: 96697956397#.
- Tuesday, September 15 - Beecher-Donnelly Community Association Meeting - 7pm.
- Thursday, September 17 - NPU-S General Meeting, 7pm, Google Hangout. Join Hangout from a web browser: https://meet.google.com/rbh-ptwd-efj or by phone: One tap mobile, or call +1 515-599-7285 PIN: 480 291 570#.
- Saturday, September 19 - OCCO Community Cleanup - 9am, Oakland City MARTA station, Campbellton side. Contact Carissa Zedaker at carissasellshouses@gmail.com for more information.
- Saturday, September 19 - Westridge-Sandtown Community Organization Meeting - 10am, Google Hangout. Join Hangout from a web browser: https://meet.google.com/oig-rtct-yhd or by phone: One tap mobile, or call +1 747-202-2723 PIN: 942 081 556#
- Saturday, September 19 - Lorenzo Drive Neighborhood Block Association Meeting - 5pm.
- Monday, September 14 - Murphy Crossing Updates - Southwest Study Group - 12pm, online or by phone. Come hear the latest about the future site development of 1050 Murphy Avenue – also known as Murphy Crossing. For your convenience, this public meeting is being held virtually and will repeat consecutively on Saturday 9/12, Monday 9/14, and Tuesday 9/15. Please submit questions by Friday, September 11th at noon to meeting.questions@atlbeltline.org. We will take as many questions as we can on Zoom and Facebook Live, but submitting ahead of time is the best way to ensure we are able to address your question.
- Online details at beltline.org/meeting Or
- Each meeting can be accessed by Dialing in by phone, 929-205-6099
- Monday, September 14 - NPU-V Monthly Meeting - 7pm, Zoom. https://zoom.us/j/99211320112, Meeting ID: 992 1132 0112; Dial-In 646-558-8656, access code 99211320112#
NPU-V comprises the neighborhoods of- Adair Park
- Capitol Gateway
- Mechanicsville
- Peoplestown
- Pittsburgh
- Summerhill
- Tuesday, September 15 - MARTA Fresh Market - West End Station, 3 - 7pm.
- Tuesday, September 15 - Murphy Crossing Updates - Southwest Study Group - 6:30pm, online or by phone. Come hear the latest about the future site development of 1050 Murphy Avenue – also known as Murphy Crossing. For your convenience, this public meeting is being held virtually and will repeat consecutively on Saturday 9/12, Monday 9/14, and Tuesday 9/15. Please submit questions by Friday, September 11th at noon to meeting.questions@atlbeltline.org. We will take as many questions as we can on Zoom and Facebook Live, but submitting ahead of time is the best way to ensure we are able to address your question.
- Online details at beltline.org/meeting Or
- Each meeting can be accessed by Dialing in by phone, 929-205-6099
- Thursday, September 17 - Virtual Skilled Trades Expo - 6pm, online, Eventbrite registration required. Are you unemployed? Do you need training? Meet professionals in the trades, learn about free training programs and what companies are hiring or offering apprenticeships. Trade skills:
- Auto Mechanic
- Plumbing
- Electrical
- Cybersecurity
- Culinary Arts
- Construction
Learn more and register at ccmapmi.org.
- Friday, September 18 - MARTA Fresh Market - Five Points - 3 - 8pm.
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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