NPU-S Calendar of Events: Feb 18 - Feb 24

Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!

NPU-S Events: 

Mon -Fri Yard Trimmings NOT Collected. Due to staffing shortages, yard trimmings will be collected every other week until further notice. This week, yard trimmings WILL NOT be collected.

Trash and recycling are collected weekly as usual.

Wed Feb 21, 6:30pm. NPU-S Quality of Life Committee Meeting.
This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:all matters related to social services, health care, police, and fire protection;
all matters related to recreation, parks, libraries, and cultural affairs;
and all matters related to a pleasant and healthful environment, including, but not limited to: sanitary services, water and sewer facilities and services, and noise quality.Janelle Wright, Chair:
The Quality of Life Committee meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30pm

Phone: 1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 831 2712 2349
Thu Feb 22, 7:00pm. Cascade Ave Neighborhood Organization (CANO) (Hybrid). VICARS, 834 Cascade Ave SW, Atlanta, GA 30311, USA. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 979 8722 6201
Call In 312-626-6799, access code, 97987226201#

Sat Feb 24, 10:30am. Oakland City Community Organization.

Cathedral of Faith Church
1137 Avon Ave SW


Meeting ID: 841 1610 8545

Passcode: 30310

One Tap mobile
+19294362866,,84116108545#,,,,*30310# US (New York)
+13017158592,,84116108545#,,,,*30310# US (Washington DC)
Sat Feb 24, 4:30pm. Lorenzo Drive Neighborhood Association. Covers Lorenzo Drive and nearby roads.

Meets via Phone: ‪(978) 990-5162 Access Code: 6673530#If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!

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