Coming up this week on the NPU-S calendar!
NPU-S Events:
- Mon Apr 5 - Fri Apr 9. Yard Trimmings Collected. Due to COVID-19 labor shortages, the Department of Public Works will pick up recycling and yard trimmings on alternating weeks, recycling one week, yard trimmings the other. This week is yard trimmings.
Garbage will continue to be picked up every week. - Wed Apr 7, 6:15pm. NPU-S Land Use Committee meeting. By video: meet.google.com/hoi-bzjq-ytu. By phone: +1 929-249-4634 password 536874704.
Please joins us for the April NPU-S Zoning Meeting when we will have a discussion to understand the City's tree ordinances from the perspective of the impact on residents and communities.
Guest Speakers include:Ms. deLille Anthony
Darryl Haddock
Chair, Tree Canopy Committee, Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods
UWFP Proctor Creek Ambassador, Environmental Education Director
West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA)
This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:- all matters related to the development of residential, commercial, and other large-scale development projects;
- all matters related to zoning, economic development, business expansion and retention, and urban design;
- all matters related to traffic and transportation planning;
- and all matters related to enforcement of City Codes.
Karen Babino, Chair: land@npu-s.org. 770-912-3922 cell - Thu Apr 8, 6:30pm. NPU-S Quality of Life Committee Meeting. By video: meet.google.com/rbh-ptwd-efj. By phone: +1 515-599-7285 password 480291570. This committee makes recommendations to the NPU about:
- all matters related to social services, health care, police, and fire protection;
- all matters related to recreation, parks, libraries, and cultural affairs;
- and all matters related to a pleasant and healthful environment, including, but not limited to: sanitary services, water and sewer facilities and services, and noise quality.
Robbie Hunter, Chair: quality@npu-s.org
- Sat Apr 10, 10:00am. OCCO Community Cleanup. The Rev. James Orange Park at Oakland City, 1305 Oakland Ln SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA. Contact Carissa Zedaker at carissasellshouses@gmail.com for more information.
- Sat Apr 10, 10:00am. WAWA: Service Saturdays. Outdoor Activity Center, 1442 Richland Rd SW, Atlanta, GA 30310, USA. Registration required: wawa-online.eventbrite.com WAWA 404 752 5385
- Sat Apr 10, 2:00pm. Bush Mountain Community Organization.
Join Zoom Meeting
Call in:
+1 312 626 6799
Meeting ID: 891 6283 2077 - Sun, Apr 11, 4:45pm. NPU-S Executive Committee Meeting
The NPU is guided by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is comprised of the Officers, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and a representative for each qualifying Neighborhood Organization.
Video: meet.google.com/hyk-sqxs-fya
Phone: (US) +1 628-400-8610 PIN: 455 206 767#
External events
Events held around, nearby, or affecting NPU S.:
- Tue Apr 6, 11:00am. Rapid Employment Initiative Career Fair. Please join the Urban League of Greater Atlanta for our virtual/online careerfairs every Tuesday @ 11 am.
These interactive virtual events allow jobseekers to meet in a virtual environment using chat rooms, teleconferencing,webcasts, webinars and/or email to exchange information about job openings.
Registration at https://bit.ly/33tcckt - Tue Apr 6, 6:00pm. Fulton County District 5 Town Hall - COVID 19. District 5 Commissioner Marvin S. Arrington, Jr. will host a virtual own hall with constituents on April 6, 2021, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. to discuss Fulton County's efforts to handle the COVID-19 pandemic including discussions on the vaccination and testing programs.
Among those scheduled to participate is Fulton County Board of Health Director Dr. Lynn Paxton as residents will have the opportunity to address their concerns directly to the director about the handling of this pandemic and receive important information on the current state of the crisis in Fulton County.
Residents who wish to submit questions for public comment can send those to fulton.communication@fultoncountyga.gov or they register to comment via the webinar at https://zoom.us/j/ 99099660258?pwd= S0M5R3RCS3dkcFJaODVQUHBWQ0Yvdz 09. Those wishing to view the town hall will be able to watch it at https://www.youtube.com/ FultonGovernmentTV. - Wed Apr 7, 7:00pm. NPU-R. Remote: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83595037850
Meeting ID: 835 9503 7850
One tap mobile dial: +16465588656,,83595037850#
NPU R is comprised of the neighborhoods of- Adams Park
- Campbellton Road
- Fort Valley
- Greenbriar
- Laurens Valley
- Pamond Park
- Southwest
- Wed Apr 7, 7:30pm. Legislative Session Wrap-Up. Please join GA State Senator Sonya Hall and Ga House Representative Stacey Evans for a Legislative Session Wrap-Up.
Registration is at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZwvdOyhpjwrEt0rCgnnSxfmxJw0SA v3ZXTZ
Public Hearings
City, County, State and other public meetings:
No events on calendar
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org.Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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