NPU-S Events:
- Saturday, August 8 - WAWA: Service Saturdays - 10am, Outdoor Activity Center (1442 Richland Rd SW). Registration required: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wawas-service-saturday-tickets-53068795195 Phone: 404-752-5385
- Saturday, August 8 - Bush Mountain Community Organization Meeting - 2pm, Zoom. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86536091337?pwd=VjdmYWNiU1ZWeGxobnM5N05GSktlUT09.
- Meeting ID: 881 1598 3660
- Password: 544812
- One tap mobile, or call +1-646-558-8656
- Sunday, August 9 - NPU-S Executive Committee meeting - 4:45pm, Google Hangout. This is the Executive Committee meeting. Join Hangout from a web browser: https://meet.google.com/hyk-sqxs-fya or by phone: One tap mobile, or call +1 628-400-8610 PIN: 455 206 767#
- Tuesday, August 4 - MARTA Fresh Market - West End Station - 3pm - 7pm.
- Wednesday, August 5 - NPU-R - 7pm, Free Conference Call. NPU-R is comprised of the neighborhoods of Adams Park, Campbellton Road, Fort Valley, Breenbriar, Laurends Valley, Pamond Park, Southwest. Join Free Conference Call Meeting https://www.freeconferencecall.com/wall/annsonita, Meeting ID: annsonita, or dial (712) 770-4598 Access code: 469781#
- Thursday, August 6 - WEMC Speaker : Lonnie Saboor, Invest Atlanta - 11:30am, webinar. Join the West End Merchants Coalition for our July Lunch 'N Learn Webinar. Mr. Saboor will review the inventory of loans available to small businesses
(to include Street Vendor Loans) that can be obtained through Invest Atlanta and walk participants through the application process. An opportunity will be provided to ask questions and seek
next steps. Learn about Invest Atlanta's affordable low interest loans, reasonable payback terms, and unbelievable small
application fees. Information that will be covered for each loan will include:
- Name and type of loan/ What funds can be used for
- Range of request amounts
- Structure of loan/ Terms of payback/ Interest rate
- Requirements and qualifications
- Application fees
- Friday, August 7 - MARTA Fresh Market - Five Points - 3pm - 8pm.
- Saturday, August 8 - Drive Thru Free Food Distribution - 10am - 2pm, Rosel Fann Recreation Center (365 Cleveland Ave SE). Free drive-through food, first come first serve, courtesy of the City of Atlanta Police, Atlanta Fire and Rescue, and the City Solicitor's Department.
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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