NPU-S Events:
- Monday, March 2 - Early voting begins for March 24th election - Various times/locations. Log in to the Georgia My Voter Page for sample ballots and more info.
- Monday, March 2 - ARTlanta OPEN Mondays - 7pm, Stained Gallery (1719 Sayers St SW). Open mic & networking event for musicians to showcase their talents and mix & mingle with their peers within the art and music community.
- Saturday, March 7 - WAWA Walk with a Doc - 9am, Lionel Hampton Trail (390 Willis Mill Road). Free, registration required. Weekly walk with health professionals, ask questions while getting fit. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
- Saturday, March 7 - John A White Park Cleanup - 9am, John A. White Park (1101 Cascade Cir SW). Join your neighbors to help clean up John A. White Park, our community's hidden gem! We'll be meeting in the parking lot next to the entrance to the pool. Supplies will be provided, but feel free to bring your own if you're so inspired. For more details, contact jeff@friendsofjohnawhitepark.org, or sign up for updates at https://friendsofjohnawhitepark.org/marchcleanup.
- Saturday, March 7 - Film Showing: "Suppressed" - 1pm, VICARS (838 Cascade Ave SW). Neighborhood Planing Unit S and State Senator Nan Orrock are pleased to announce a free screening of the the documentary "Suppressed: The Fight To Vote". From the film's website:
"Suppressed: The Fight to Vote, the new documentary by Robert Greenwald (Director of Outfoxed, Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, and Making A Killing: Guns, Greed, & the NRA) weaves together personal stories from voters across the state of Georgia to paint an undeniable picture of voter suppression in the 2018 midterm election where Stacey Abrams fought to become the first Black female governor in the U.S. The issues Georgians faced included polling place closures, voter purges, missing absentee ballots, extreme wait times and a host of voter ID issues – all of which disproportionately prevented many students and people of color from casting their ballots. Suppressed: The Fight to Vote features experts, poll watchers and everyday Georgians speaking to the reality of voter suppression and the threat it poses in 2020. In a race that was ultimately decided by 54,723 votes, the film exposes that the basic constitutional right to vote continues to be under siege in America."
In addition to the documentary, there will be a demonstration of Georgia's new voting machines on the premises. Light refreshments will be served.
- Wednesday, March 4 - NPU-R Meeting - 7pm, Adams Park Recreation Center (1620 Delowe Dr) NPU-R encompasses the communities of Adams Park, Campbellton Road, Fort Valley, Greenbriar, Laurens Valley, Pamond Park, and Southwest
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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