- None this week - Happy Holidays!
As usual, our meeting is being held over Google Meet. Attendees should register beforehand! If you do not register then we cannot count your attendance or verify your identity on voting matters.
This month there are no voting matters, but there is one presentation of a proposed subdivision at 1055 Westmont, SD-20-18. You can find out more information about this subdivision at http://www.npu-s.org/2020/12/monday-127-community-meeting.html
As always, representatives from the police, code enforcement, public works, and other City departments will call in to give reports, and we'll discuss NPU and community programs for our constituents. Come on out!
To register, either register online at http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Register, or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents can be found on http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Docs
To attend the meeting:
From our neighborhood partners at Oakland City Community Organization:
The runoff elections on January 5th are quickly approaching, and as a neighborhood, we want to keep the momentum going! While voter turnout in November increased from previous years, as a neighborhood we can do better. To that end, we are looking for volunteers to canvas the neighborhood (we can break it down into streets), and place flyers on mailboxes.If you are interested in this initiative, please email Adriana at secretary@occoatl.org
From the Urban League of Greater Atlanta:
Grant Opportunities Available
Calling All Black/African American Restaurants and Food Service Operators
We are extremely excited to announce a new partnership that the National Urban League has forged with the PepsiCo Foundation to assist Black / African American restaurants and food service operators.
A feature of this new partnership is that we will be able to offer equity grants to a select group of Black / African American restaurant owners and food service operators that participate in the training and technical assistance initiative that we will be executing pursuant to this new partnership.
We are doing a survey to show the impact and need in the Atlanta market.
Please take the survey to tell us about your business.
The federal funds may be used to cover past due rent, utilities, mortgage and security deposits as a result of impending eviction. To apply, go to https://relief.uwga.org or call 211.
On NPU-S's agenda for December is SD-20-18, a proposal to subdivide several large parcels into 13 separate lots. These new properties, zoned for single family residences, would be in the area between Orlando Place and Westmont Rd. The proposed subdivision is highlighted in pink in the illustration.
Subdivisions are not subject to a vote by the NPU; they are for review and comment only. However, the developers have graciously agreed to meet with members of the community beforehand to give a presentation and discuss the project.
This meeting will be held on Monday, December 7, at 7pm, via Google Meet.
The associated documents can be found in the NPU-S shared meeting drive, http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Docs. If you have any questions or concerns, you can email Nick Hess at chair@npu-s.org or call at (404) 890 0089.
From Atlanta Watershed:
For more information, see this press release: Traffic Advisory - 1511 Beecher St. SW (Sewer Main-Services Replacement).pdf
- What: Lane Closure due to existing sewer service replacement work
- Where: 1511 Beecher St. SW between Cascade Ave. SW & Gaston St. SW near Westmont Rd. SW
- When: Monday, November 30, 2020, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., lasting approximately one week, weather permitting.
The Oakland City Community Organization has identified opportunities to be a blessing this holiday season to our neighbors in need. In addition to donations, we're also looking for volunteers to help deliver gifts. Please consider joining us in the following efforts:
Every little bit helps! Scan the QR code or click here to donate.
Paypal: Oakland City Community Organization
Cash App: $occoatl
If you have any questions about donations or volunteering please reach out to Adriana at secretary@occoatl.org.
Please note that there will be filming in our neighborhood on Saturday, November 28th, and Sunday, November 29th.
Notification for November 28th:
Dear Resident,
Freenjoy will be filming in your community on Saturday November 28th, 2020 between 7:00 am – 1:00 am. We have requested the following street closures:
We are working with the Atlanta Film Office to obtain a filming permit. We will also have off-duty APD officers on site at all times to ensure the safety of the community and the production.
- Peeples St between Lawton St SW and Donnelly Ave.
- Dimmock St SW between Peeples St and Lee St SW (local traffic only)
All residents will be directed where to park. We will be distributing parking placards to residents within requested closure areas prior to the shoot date.
We appreciate your cooperation with our efforts to create a great story. We would like to ensure that this is a very positive filming experience for the community. Please note that our production will adhere to the “State of Georgia COVID-19 Filming Best Practices”.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at the number listed below, I will be happy to assist you. We appreciate your community and thank you very much for your support.
A.B. Cooper
Location Manager
Map of street closures:
Notification for November 29th:
Dear Resident,
Freenjoy will be filming in your community on Sunday November 29th, 2020 between 7:00 am – 1:00 am. We have requested the following Lane closures:
We are working with the Atlanta Film Office to obtain a filming permit. We will also have off-duty APD officers on site at all times to ensure the safety of the community and the production.
- North and South Parking Lane of Oakland Lane SW between Oakland Drive SW and Lee St SW (local traffic only)
All residents will be directed on parking. We will be distributing parking placards to residents within requested closure areas prior to the shoot date.
We appreciate your cooperation with our efforts to create a great story. We would like to ensure that this is a very positive filming experience for the community. Please note that our production will adhere to the “State of Georgia COVID-19 Filming Best Practices”.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at the number listed below, I will be happy to assist you. We appreciate your community and thank you very much for your support.
A.B. Cooper
Location Manager
Map of street closure:
From Tyler Perry Studios:
Sunday, November 22 from 8am - 12pm at Tyler Perry Studios, One Tyler Perry Studios Way, Atlanta, GA
Tyler Perry Studios wants to help feed families in need this Thanksgiving.
Sunday, November 22nd tyler Perry Studios will be providing groceries and gift cards to families in need.
First Come, First Serve of 5000 Families while supplies last. Although we wish that we could feed everyone in need we will close the line at the 5000th family.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this event will be drive-thru only. You must remain in your vehicles.
Please be sure to have face masks on when joining the line and when there is communication with volunteers.
No more than (2) Families per vehicle.
The NPU-S General Meeting will be held this Thursday, November 19th, at 7pm.
As usual, our meeting is being held over Google Meet. Attendees should register beforehand! If you do not register then we cannot count your attendance or verify your identity on voting matters.
We have three votes this month:
As always, there will be representatives from the police, code enforcement, public works, and other City departments call in to give reports, and discuss NPU and community programs for our constituents. Come on out!
To register, either register online at http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Register, or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents can be found on http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Docs
To attend the meeting:
In response, the Murphy Crossing Coalition (MCC), a group of local neighborhood associations and NPUs, worked hard to ensure that community interests are heard and represented in the RFP. MCC released a Community Survey in late August which gathered over a thousand responses over the course of two months and built a report based on the findings from the survey.
That report, "Murphy Crossroads: A Community Responds to Redevelopment" has now been released to the public and can be obtained at https://murphycoalition.com/s/MCC-Report-11-Nov-final.pdf. It contains background information, survey results, and a host of recommendations that came from the community. These recommendations have been heard by ABI and are helping to shape the RFP.
ABI's next Murphy Crossing meeting is scheduled to be held tomorrow, November 16. To register to attend, go to https://beltline.org/the-project/economic-development-commercial-real-estate/murphy-crossing/#public-input and click on 'Virtual Meeting'.
The meeting has been rescheduled for this Thursday, 6:30pm, via videoconference at http://bit.ly/NPUS-Room-A. Folks can also call in via phone at +1 515-599-7285 PIN: 480 291 570# .
For more details, go to http://www.npu-s.org/2020/10/called-meeting-on-npu-s-election-bylaws.html
The Atlanta City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 1:00 pm remotely on Ordinance 20-O-1662, an amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan by transferring to and from appropriations in the amount of $14,668,625 for the purpose of allocating COVID-19 Cares Act Funding for CDBG-CV and ESG-CV for inclusion in the 2019 Annual Action Plan of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan. Following the hearing, the City Council will issue a final vote.
The public may access the meeting by the following Conference Bridge: Toll Free Access: (877) 579-6743, Conference ID: 8315991256. Citizens and other interested parties are invited to provide comments at (404) 330-6068. Public comment will be accepted between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on the day before the scheduled meeting and messages should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Link to the full notice (PDF) is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LLvW7lujaSV-E6sci_fmDaUhXbKdxryV/view
The Atlanta City Council will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, November 2, 2020 at 1:00 pm remotely on Ordinance 20-O-1664, an amendment to the 2019 Annual Action Plan by transferring to and from appropriations in the amount of $147,660 for the purpose of reallocating COVID-19 Cares Act Funding for HOPWA-CV for inclusion in the 2019 Annual Action Plan of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan. Following the hearing, the City Council will issue a final vote.
The public may access the meeting by the following Conference Bridge: Toll Free Access: (877) 579-6743, Conference ID: 8315991256. Citizens and other interested parties are invited to provide comments at (404) 330-6068. Public comment will be accepted between the hours of 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm on the day before the scheduled meeting and messages should not exceed three (3) minutes.
Link to the full notice (PDF) is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LLvW7lujaSV-E6sci_fmDaUhXbKdxryV/view
Upshot: the City Council is grabbing funding from various sources and updating the City's Action Plan to get more COVID funding into various programs; the programs are listed in the linked documents.
Apologies for the late notice, but due to ongoing widespread power outages within NPU-S, tonight's called bylaws meeting will be postponed until a later date.
Please contact chair@npu-s.org with any questions or concerns.
From the Atlanta Department of City Planning:
Future Places Project
Today, the Office of Design - Historic Preservation Studio kicked off the Future Places Project in conjunction with Historic Preservation Week! This project ensures that Atlanta retains its "historic identity as the city moves forward".
Please check out the Future Place Project website, atlfutureplaces.com, to learn more about what we are doing and how you can become involved. Our history is our future!
Late last month, after our September NPU meeting, NPU-S received a message from the City about our bylaws. For nearly a decade, we have had two-year terms for our elected officers, which means that we have held elections every other year instead of every year. Turns out, this violates City ordinance:
Sec. 6-3017. - Elections.
(a) Elections shall take place during October or November of every calendar year. If an election(s) has not been held by November 30. Said election(s) shall be conducted by the bureau of planning during the month of December.
(Code 1977, § 6-3017; Ord. No. 1995-68, § 1, 10-24-95; Ord. No. 1999-81, § 1, 11-10-99)
Although this has not created any problems for us, the current director of the NPU programs has been doing a lot of work to make sure that all the NPUs are operating by the book, and given the chaos that some of our own neighboring NPUs have gone through, particularly with elections, this effort is entirely understandable.
Possible Solutions:
After a discussion with the director, there are two possible solutions that we've identified.
One solution would be retention elections. Basically, in November, we hold an election saying "do we want these officers to continue in their role for the remainder of the term?" Any officer who receives a majority disapproval would be removed from office and replaced in a snap election held the next month.
The other solution would be to one-year officer terms with annual elections. This would require more extensive changes to the bylaws, but it's certainly possible.
The Path Forward:
These are not the only possible solutions, but they're the simplest solutions we can think of. However, whichever solution we choose, we need to change our bylaws to be able to hold a vote at our November meeting.
Therefore, as announced at our October meeting, and in keeping with NPU-S Bylaws Article IX, Section 2, we are holding a Special Called Meeting to amend our bylaws to comply with the City's requirement for an annual election.
This meeting will be held:
District 4 Council member Cleta Winslow is co-sponsoring a community food giveaway event with Cathedral of Faith Church of God in Christ and World Visions from 8 a.m. to noon Thursday, Oct. 22 at the church, located at 1137 Avon Avenue SW. The boxes contain fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as milk and cheese. The event is first come, first served and 1,000 boxes will be distributed.
Cathedral of Faith Church of God in Christ and World Visions, 1137 Avon Avenue SW
Must be a Fulton County resident to apply.
Applications will be accepted from October 21, 2020 at 12:01 am, until October 22, 2020 at 11:59 pm ET.
This is a short window to apply, so mark your calendars to be sure you get your applications in. Online application can be found in the link below:
Requests for reasonable accommodations can be made by calling 404-588-4950.
Last Saturday, a group of 15 NPU-S residents gathered via videoconference to discuss our thoughts on Atlanta's proposed legislation addressing Short Term Rentals (Airbnb, VRBO, etc).
a rental of a residential dwelling unit or accessory building for periods of less than 31 consecutive days.
and proceeds to ban them from single-family residential zones (R1, R2, R2A, R2B, R3, R3A, R4, R4A, R4B, R5, PDH).
After a period going over the legislation itself and discussing how other cities manage STRs, there was a lively discussion going over the pros and cons of STRs in our neighborhood. This ultimately led to a vote (10 aye, 3 nay, 2 abstain) declaring that NPU-S feels that regulated system of STR management was preferable to an outright ban.
This second meeting is to determine what sort of regulation we'd want to see to make STRs acceptable to the community.
This meeting is primarily for residents of NPU-S, but it is open to the public. We invite you to come share your thoughts on this important topic.
A copy of the proposed ordinance is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ioWD6FckXNs3XxF7CJY5YNYlbaDtW0qr/view.
From Aretta Baldon, Atlanta Board of Education, District 2:
Ms. Baldon can be reached via email at Aretta.Baldon@atlanta.k12.ga.us.Today, our superintendent, Dr. Lisa Herring, announced that Atlanta Public Schools will delay its return to face-to-face instruction due to an unfavorable trend in COVID-19 cases in our community and in consultation with public health officials and healthcare experts. That means the district will postpone all reopening plans for in-person learning until January 2021.
Dr. Herring shared this decision in her blog and her weekly address The Week (https://talkupaps.wordpress.com/), both of which provide more details about the decision and ongoing plans for Atlanta Public Schools.
In addition, Dr. Herring will proceed with our practice of monthly health data checkpoints and present the next update at the November 2 Board meeting. The superintendent and her team will also continue to explore ways to support our most vulnerable learners, particularly our low-incidence special needs population and our youngest students, including their potential return to some in-person services prior to January 2021.
The difficulties and uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic require us as a school community to be prepared for different teaching and learning scenarios. I assure you that the APS mission to give EVERY child a quality education has not changed. APS and our schools need your support and engagement now more than ever.
As Dr. Herring herself says to the community in her blog and video, we all look forward to the day when we can welcome all of our students back into our buildings safely, embrace them, and teach them face to face.
Thanks for your ongoing support. Please message me with any questions or further concerns.
From the Center for Civic Innovation:
When people are engaged, cities make better decisions. Take this survey on community engagement in Atlanta.
Today, we’re launching a citywide survey to better understand how Atlanta residents engage in their community now and how they want to engage in the future. We will use this information to guide short- and long-term recommendations on how we can all strengthen civic participation in our city.
Please take the survey and share it with your neighbors and networks at SurveyATL.org
For the survey to be truly reflective of Atlanta, we need your help in getting it in front of as many different people as possible. Take the survey here: SurveyATL.org
We believe that community engagement is at the center of solving inequality in Atlanta. Much of our inequality was intentionally designed so it will require intentional design to correct it. Community engagement isn't just a checkbox — it’s an ongoing, trust-building process that brings the needs and voices of residents into decision-making processes.
With so much attention on the national election, it's important to remember that civic participation is more than voting. Voting is critical, but our voices are equally important in neighborhood, school board, city council, and PTA meetings. Regular participation makes the outcomes better and more reflective of what people actually need.
This effort is a part of our ongoing work to strengthen neighborhood power in Atlanta through our NPU Initiative. You can learn more about that work and also find which Neighborhood Planning Unit you live in at civicatlanta.org/npu-initiative.
a rental of a residential dwelling unit or accessory building for periods of less than 31 consecutive days.
and proceeds to ban them from single-family residential zones (R1, R2, R2A, R2B, R3, R3A, R4, R4A, R4B, R5, PDH).
Currently, there is no definition in city code that covers STRs, and so technically an Airbnb in a residential area is an improperly zoned, unlicensed hotel. This legislation thus takes notice of Airbnbs and applies a remedy. But is it overkill?
NPU-S has had a love-hate relationship with Airbnbs. While several have been nuisances to our community, there are people who feel that they're a way for homeowners to make extra income.
Although this legislation is being brought up for review and comment at Thursday's NPU-S meeting, there's likely not going to be enough time at that meeting to thoroughly explore our opinions on the topic. So we're holding a separate meeting on Saturday the 17th at 1pm via Google Meet to gather facts and feelings about how we'd like to regulate STRs.
This meeting is primarily for residents of NPU-S, but it is open to the public. We invite you to come share your thoughts on this important topic.
A copy of the proposed ordinance is at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ioWD6FckXNs3XxF7CJY5YNYlbaDtW0qr/view.
As usual, our meeting is being held over Google Meet. Attendees should register beforehand! If you do not register then we cannot count your attendance or verify your identity on voting matters.
To register, either register online at http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Register, or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents can be found on http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Docs
To attend the meeting:
We have one vote this month, a application for the Zoning Review Board:
Z-20-67 Applicant seeks to rezone the 1.8 acre property from the RG-3-C/BL (General [multi-family] residential, maximum floor area ratio of .696 conditional/BeltLine Overlay) zoning designation to the RG-3-C/BL (General [multi-family] residential, maximum floor area ratio of .696 conditional/BeltLine Overlay) zoning designation for the construction of an affordable townhome development. SURVEY, SITE PLAN
This is the Tucker Avenue affordable townhome development, which was originally approved in 2018. They've had to adjust their construction plans and techniques and, as a a result, must submit the new plans to the ZRB.
There are also two items for review and comment - V-20-116 (Appeal), an appeal of a Special Use permit, and Z-20-69, an ordinance that we'll vote on in November concerning Short-Term Rentals - in other words, AirBnBs and their like. Z-20-69 is likely to be highly contentious, so while we'll cover it in our meeting on Thursday, we're also planning on holding a special called session of the NPU solely to discuss the topic and to come up with a policy position for the NPU.
We also will have a presentation from the Office of Zoning and Development about the "Brownfield Revolving Loan Subgrant to Trees Atlanta" (825 Warner Avenue).
As always, there will be representatives from the police, code enforcement, public works, and other City departments call in to give reports, and discuss NPU and community programs for our constituents. Come on out!
On Saturday, September 26, 2020, Georgia STAND-UP (STAND-UP) and The Atlanta Department of Transportation (ATLDOT), in partnership with TransFormation Alliance (TFA) and the Oakland City Community Organization, will hold a pop-up Contact-Free Community Resource Day. This event will take place from 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the Oakland City Neighborhood on Oakland Drive between Campbellton Road and Avon Avenue.
The purpose of this pop-up is to share public health information, provide Covid-19 testing, and distribute other important community resources during this international health pandemic. Residents will also have an opportunity to engage with ATLDOT staff to discuss transportation safety needs.
This pop-up will provide FREE Covid-19 testing, grocery giveaways, face masks, easy voter registration, and other community information.
Community organizations are encouraged to provide additional resources for this pop-up. To reserve a table for your organization, please contact Ariel Singleton at: arielsingleton@georgiastandup.org.
With traffic-calming tactics such as signs and barricades, ATLDOT will create safe spaces along the side of the road for information-sharing activities. In addition, residents will receive community identification tags for their vehicles; however, street access will not be restricted solely to community members.
What this program will not include:
The NPU-S General Meeting will be held this Thursday, September 17th, at 7pm.
As usual, our meeting is being held over Google Meet. Attendees should register beforehand! If you do not register then we cannot count your attendance or verify your identity on voting matters.
To register, either register online at http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Register, or call (770) 744-5311 and leave a message with a way for us to reach you.
Agenda, minutes, and supporting documents can be found on http://bit.ly/NPUS-Meeting-Docs
To attend the meeting:
Z-20-07 - An Ordinance to amend the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances Part 16 Zoning, Chapters 3, 4, 5, 6 and 6A Single-Family Residential District Regulations for R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and R-4A by requiring the development of new single-family detached dwellings on land-locked lots to obtain a special use permit; and for other purposes.
We also have an annual vote on the NPU-S Bylaws.
As always, there will be representatives from the police, code enforcement, public works, and other City departments call in to give reports, and discuss NPU and community programs for our constituents. Come on out!
Learn more and register at ccmapmi.org.
From the Atlanta Office of Transportation (ATLDOT):
Good Evening, NPU Stakeholders:
Attached is the latest NPU-S Project Dashboard report (PDF) with the best available information on ATLDOT projects within your boundaries. In addition, here’s a quick status update on projects in design and construction:Campbellton Rd - Smart Transit Corridor
GDOT is managing project bidding, contracting and construction. The concept design has been approved by GDOT. Surveying for entire street is currently underway.
Cascade Ave. Phase II Streetscape Project
This is part of the design-only Phase II of the Cascade Road/Ave Complete Street project
Cascade Rd - Complete Street
The design for Phase I is complete. Utility relocation work to improve power service in the corridor is underway. The construction bid package has been submitted to Office of Procurement. Right-of-way parcel acquisitions and closings are ongoing. However, rate of closings has been adversely affected by COVID-19. The project is currently on schedule for target construction start date of December 2020.
Cascade Rd - Resurfacing Phase 2
This work is being completed as part of the Cascade Road Complete Street project, with a target construction start date of December 2020.
Cascade Rd (TCC)
This work is being completed as part of the Cascade Road Complete Street project, with a target construction start date of December 2020.
Cascade Rd. Phase I Streetscape Project
This work is being completed as part of the Cascade Road Complete Street project, with a target construction start date of December 2020.
Avon Ave @ Westmont Rd & Orlando St
This intersection is included in a package of citywide signal upgrades and intersection improvements. Final plans for the package are complete, utility evaluations are under way and bid package is being prepared for submission to the Office of Procurement.
Lee St. @ White Oak Avenue
This intersection is included in a package of citywide signal upgrades and intersection improvements. Final plans for the package are complete, utility evaluations are under way and bid package is being prepared for submission to the Office of Procurement.
Neighborhood Sidewalk & ADA Improvements
Original scope is complete; however additional work been added to the contract that will be completed this summer.
Beecher St Resurfacing
This work is complete but will be designated as under construction until all punch list items on the contract are completed.
Stanton Road Resurfacing
This work is complete but will be designated as under construction until all punch list items on the contract are completed.
Right of Way Acquisition and Install Lighting (Atlanta Beltine)
67.5% of total funding allotment has been paid; annual payments will continue until funding commitment is complete.
Campbellton Rd - Phase 2 (TCC)
Construction is complete, and punch list is underway. The final inspection expected this summer.
Campbellton Rd @ Oakland Ave
Construction is complete and punch list is underway. The final inspection expected this summer.
Signal Optimization and Detection Phase I
Most work completed on this citywide contract; will cover signal tech and traffic engineering work needed for Dekalb Ave Safety Improvements.
Smart Signal Systems Phase I
Most work completed on this citywide contract; will cover signal tech and traffic engineering work needed for Dekalb Ave Safety Improvements.
Please feel free to submit any questions regarding the projects listed in the monthly report to ATLDOT@atlantaga.gov. For updates on projects in construction, you may contact Adrian Carver, Construction Outreach Liaison, via email at: renewatl-acarver@atlantaga.gov or by phone at: 470-352-5427.