NPU-S Events:
- Monday, November 11 - ARTlanta OPEN Mondays - 7pm, Stained Gallery (1719 Sayers St SW). Open mic & networking event for musicians to showcase their talents and mix & mingle with their peers within the art and music community.
- Monday, November 11 - Then What? Open Mic Night - 8pm, The Bakery (825 Warner St SW).
- Tuesday, November 12 - Graymont Drive Neighborhood Organization - 6:30pm, St. Peter's Missionary Baptist Church (1558 Venetian Dr). Monthly meeting of GDNA, which operates over Graymont, Elizabeth, Lockwood, and Westmont. Contact DionneMoore2015@gmail.com for more information.
- Saturday, November 16 - WAWA Walk with a Doc - 9am, Lionel Hampton Trail (390 Willis Mill Road). Free, registration required. Weekly walk with health professionals, ask questions while getting fit. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
- Saturday, November 16 - Westridge/Sandtown Venetian Hills Neighborhood Organization - 10am, Outdoor Activity Center (1442 Richland Rd SW). Monthly meeting of WSCO, which operates over the entirety of Venetian Hills. Contact VenetianHillsPresident@gmail.com for more information.
- Sunday, November 17 - Alt-Lanta Zine Fest - 12pm, The Bakery (825 Warner St SW). A celebration of zines and small press media! Meet local zinesters and special guests from all over the south. More info at https://www.facebook.com/events/1393414004159158/
- Monday, November 11 - NPU-V Meeting - 7pm, Fulton Atlanta Community Action Authority Resource Center (341 Kelly St SE). NPU-V encompasses the communities of Mechanicsville, Summerhill, Peoplestown, Pittsburgh, Adair Park, and Capitol Gateway.
- Tuesday, November 12 - ATC Community Needs Listening Session - 6pm, Brenda Watts-Jones Allied Health Building H (1560 Metropolitan Pkwy SW). Atlanta Technical College’s Executive Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs, Caroline Angelo, invites you to attend an interactive workshop to provide your thoughts on Career and Technical Education (CTE) in the College’s service area. The College is required to conduct a comprehensive local needs assessment as a part of its application for federal Perkins grant funds. These funds are used to support CTE through equipment, travel, faculty, and professional development.
- Wednesday, November 13 - NPU-T Meeting - 7pm, Lee+White Community Room (1000 White St SW, behind Boxcar). NPU-T encompasses the communities of Ashview Heights, Atlanta University Center, Harris Chiles, Just Us, Castleberry Hill, West End, and Westview.
- Thursday, November 14 - Priority Male Empowerment Symposium - 12pm, Russell Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (504 Fair St SW). The symposium will include lunch, an open forum, and a networking session with young men of color, 16-29 years of age, who reside in Fulton County, and are seeking employment, training, education, mentoring, and related services. There is no fee to attend the symposium, but reservations must be made at www.communitycouncilma.org. For more information, please call 404-935-5859.
- Saturday, November 16 - 1st Parent and Family Engagement Conference - 8:30am, Daniel McLaughlin Therrell High School (3099 Panther Trail SW). The Office of Family Engagement is proud to present our 1st Parent and Family Engagement Conference on Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 8:30 am- 3:00 pm at D M Therrell High School. We are very excited about this event as our presenters have resources to share that address single parenting, fatherhood, kinship care (specifically grandparents), social emotional learning, home ownership, students with disabilities, collaboration with school officers and families as well as a farmer who will speak on healthy habits! We look forward to seeing you! All registrants are requested to order your tickets by clicking this Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/76272813037 Please use this link to tell us a little bit about you and select the workshops you would like to attend: https://forms.gle/sdhct3M4rQXDio2y6
- Saturday, November 16 - Scrap Tire Drive - Greenbriar - 9am, Greenbriar Mall (2841 Greenbriar Pkwy SW). Bring in your scrap tires for FREE disposal! Cars and light-duty truck tires only, unlimited tires for City of Atlanta residents. No businesses! For more information, contact the Keep Atlanta Beautiful Commission, KABC@atlantaga.gov or (404) 330 6240.
- Saturday, November 16 - Atlanta Planning Advisory Board General Meeting - 10am, Atlanta City Hall (55 Trinity Ave).
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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