NPU-S Events:
- Monday, August 26 - ARTlanta OPEN Mondays - 7pm, Stained Gallery (1719 Sayers St SW). Open mic & networking event for musicians to showcase their talents and mix & mingle with their peers within the art and music community.
- Tuesday, August 27 - Oakland City Community Organization (OCCO) - 6:30pm, Reverend James Orange Recreation Center (1305 Oakland Dr). More information at https://www.occoatl.org/
- Saturday, August 31 - WAWA Walk with a Doc - 9am, Lionel Hampton Trail (390 Willis Mill Road) Free, registration required. Weekly walk with health professionals, ask questions while getting fit. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
- Wednesday, August 28 - Summit: "Closing the Homeownership Gap in Metro Atlanta and Beyond" - 8:30am, The Carter Center (453 John Lewis Freedom Pkwy NE). Presented by Atlanta Neighborhood Development Partnership, in collaboration with Urban Institute, National Association of Real Estate Brokers, NeighborWorksⓇ America. More information available at https://www.andpi.org/cthg. Free, but registration required at https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07egfua6xbb428dd38&oseq=&c=&ch=
- Wednesday, August 28 - Fort Mac LRA Community Engagement Subcommittee Meeting - 5:30pm, Ft. McPherson LRA Office (1794 Walker Ave) http://fortmaclra.com/event/community-engagement-subcommittee-ces/2019-08-28/
- Wednesday, August 28 - Atlanta Beltline Southwest Study Group - Subarea 1 and LCI Master Plan Updates - 6pm, The MET (680 Murphy Ave SW). This is an opportunity to report out on findings from several public meetings throughout the spring and summer and help prioritize the draft final recommendations for land use (e.g. mixed use, housing, commercial services), mobility (e.g. trails, sidewalks, bikes, transit), parks and greenspace in BeltLine Subarea 1. https://beltline.org/event/southwest-study-group-public-meeting-14-2-2/
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!
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