NPU-S Events:
- Monday, May 27 - ARTlanta Jam Session - 7pm, Stained Gallery (1719 Sayers St). Weekly live band and performances, art, free entry until 9. https://www.facebook.com/events/1790704664368979
- Tuesday, May 28 - Oakland City Community Organization - 6:30pm, Reverend James Orange Recreation Center (1305 Oakland Dr). More information at https://www.occoatl.org/
- Saturday, June 1 - WAWA Walk with a Doc - 9am, Lionel Hampton Trail (390 Willis Mill Road) Free, registration required. Weekly walk with health professionals, ask questions while getting fit. https://wawa-online.eventbrite.com
External Events:
- Thursday, May 30 - Senior Summit 2019 - 9:30am, H.J.C. Bowden Senior Multipurpose Facility (2885 Church St, East Point). Topics include: Senior Employment, Advocacy, and Legal Issues Facing Seniors. For more information, call the STARline for at 404-613-6000. Registration at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fulton-county-government-senior-summit-2019-registration-58674631402
- Thursday, May 30 - Joint Beltline/West End LCI meeting - West End Family & Life Center (1191 Donnelly Avenue). The City of Atlanta Department of City Planning and The Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. have teamed up to coordinate two planning efforts The West End Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) and Atlanta BeltLine Subarea 1 Plan update. Collectively, these plans will reflect the community’s vision and today’s market conditions, while incorporating an action-oriented implementation plan.
- Sunday, June 2 - Lecture/Book Signing: "Red Summer: One Hundred Years Later" - 3pm, Auburn Avenue Research Library (101 Auburn Ave NE). More information and registration at https://thebatonfoundation.org/events/red-summer-1919-one-hundred-years-later/
If you have any local events that you'd like to see on the NPU-S calendar, please send email to events@npu-s.org. Please be sure to include the date, time, and location of your event!